Update! Crowdfunding Goal Met in Time for 20th Anniversary Celebration

Peggy Boyle Whitworth Amphitheater Improvement Project

September 26th, 2014

Update! Crowdfunding Goal Met in Time for 20th Anniversary Celebration

Throughout the month of July, Brucemore completed a very successful crowdfunding campaign that exceeded the $10,000 goal. In early September, Brucemore began a nine month process to enhance the site’s natural amphitheater, including improvements to the stage’s physical structure, backstage area, and electrical configuration. In 2015, Brucemore will celebrate twenty years of outdoor theater in the updated performance area, renamed in honor of Peggy Boyle Whitworth, Brucemore’s founding director. 

Watch this page for updates over the next nine months! (Most recent updates on top)

Update: 9/25/14

Marty (Paulson Electric) completes the wiring on the backstage panel. The wires are not hot yet.
The outlet that powers the ticket booth and entryway lighting is moved to a more discrete location near the pond.
One of two boxes installed in the audience space to safely house the light-tower footings and access to the new cable raceways.

 9/17/14 Update – Preparing the lawn for seeding

After the raceways and power lines have been buried, Brucemore staff prepares the area for seeding.
Seed is purchased for planting in the amphitheater.  In Iowa, the best time to plant seed is after September 15 and before October 1.

9/16/14 Update – Paulson Electric upgrades electrical configuration

Paulson Electric digs trenches to install raceways and power lines. Sound and lighting cables will be run through the raceways during performances, alleviating the hazard of cables running through the audience space.
 A new pedestal power panel is installed backstage. The new panel will include additional access points to better accommodate future stage productions.

Visit the project’s Indiegogo Site to learn more about the project