Brucemore Receives $400,000 Enhance Iowa Grant

Campaign Reaches Milestone

August 21st, 2019

Photo-Jun-14-7-50-14-AM-reduced.jpgBrucemore reached a milestone in its Pride and Preservation campaign in September by raising $3.55 million towards the $5 million goal. Campaign funds will be used to accelerate preservation efforts across the nationally recognized estate and to ensure it remains a treasure in Eastern Iowa.

Brucemore was awarded a $400,000 Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) grant from the Enhance Iowa Board in August. This funding was leveraged through financial support from the City of Cedar Rapids and Linn County. The Enhance Iowa Program provides financial incentives to communities for the construction of recreational, cultural, educational or entertainment facilities that enhance the quality of life in Iowa.

Using the 26-acre estate requires on-going preservation of the landscape, buildings, and infrastructure. The $5 million Pride & Preservation campaign will support the three most critical areas—preservation of historic assets, investment in capital infrastructure, and improvements to security and fire initiatives—as determined through studies by experts. Early campaign gifts are funding the current work in progress on the mansion’s roof and south façade that kicked off in May 2019. Over 80% of funding spent on campaign projects will go to Corridor businesses.

The three-phase Mansion Envelope Restoration Project began in 2018. This $4 million project aims to stabilize the structure by fixing the causes of deterioration. This work will protect the irreplaceable works of art, furnishings, and documents that tell the story of Brucemore. Phase I of the Mansion Envelope Restoration project was completed in April 2019.  Phases II and III will focus on the roof, north, south, east, and west facades of the mansion, specifically restoring the roof cresting and slate, window glass and wood, exterior trim, doors, light fixtures, and exterior brick walls.

More than one million people have visited Brucemore since 1981, building the organization’s reputation for offering a signature menu of community, cultural, and heritage events. The 1880s mansion, six other historic structures, 26-acres of gardens and grounds, and tens of thousands of objects and archival documents serve as an irreplaceable backdrop representing more than 130 years of history.

Donations to fund campaign projects can be made online, by calling (319) 362-7375, or by sending a check to 2160 Linden Dr. SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403.