Brucemore Closed, Program Adjustments

Storm Update – August 20, 2020

August 20th, 2020
Brucemore-Derecho-Damage-August-2020-16-reduced.jpgLetter from Director of Community Engagement
August 20,2020
Friends of Brucemore –
This has been a tough year for everyone.
The global pandemic has required drastic changes to how we live, work, and play for the last five months. At Brucemore, we canceled programs and were working to find new, safe ways for you to enjoy the estate.
Last week, the derecho halted these efforts and forced us to alter our plans again. The task in front of our small staff is daunting, but we’ve been working hard on recovery efforts. It is going to take months to clean up the property and years to replenish the century-old trees that were lost in the storm. But we will work relentlessly to ensure Brucemore remains a treasured community asset.
For now, the site is closed for public access while our staff focus on the most urgent and critical needs. These include clearing the roadways to allow for emergency access, removing risks to the historic structures and statuary, and eliminating overhead tree limbs that pose safety concerns. While we can’t allow you to visit yet, I know you would like a glimpse inside the gates. Our friends with de Novo Alternative Marketing put together this short aerial video of the estate, taken one week after recovery efforts began. We will share more detailed images in the days ahead.
Throughout our recovery efforts, we have felt that if we could continue to safely hold the “Unforgettable and Unplugged” and “Hair plus Product” events in the wake of COVID and the storm, we would. The talent who have invested time and energy selecting music and rehearsing need an opportunity to share their passion. The companies who support our events through equipment rental need business. You deserve a chance to get out of the house, be entertained in a safe space, and leave the challenges of 2020 behind for a few hours.  We think this is important to help the arts and cultural community survive.
We are continuing to hold these two events and would love to have you join us. You will see evidence of the devastation to the site, including trees that need removed and debris piled along the driveways.  But we guarantee, the paths will be clear and open for your travel on the site and the COVID safety precautions will be thoughtfully maintained. The audience space will reflect some of the damage, but the tables will be spatially distanced for you to spend an evening outdoors with your own group of family or close friends. The rest of the property will remain closed.
Staff are actively working to reach out to ticket holders for the weekends that were postponed to reschedule your tickets. You may also email us with the date you are interested in and we will confirm availability.
My thoughts are with you through your own recovery efforts. As always, I appreciate hearing from you and our staff would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to reply to contact us via email.
Tara Richards
Director of Community Engagement