Update! Challenge Pledge Announced

Peggy Boyle Whitworth Amphitheater Improvement Project

July 8th, 2014

On July 22, Brucemore received a challenge pledge from Kathleen and Tom Aller, longtime supporters, volunteers, and trustees of Brucemore.If we can raise $2,000 to reach 80% of our goal or $8,000 by July 26, they will match the $2,000 and help us reach $10,000.

When outdoor theater at Brucemore began in 1996, contractors built a temporary stage each year as part of the set design.  The 2007 production of Macbeth benefitted from a permanent stage built to reduce expenses and foster more frequent use of the area. After seven years of exposure to the elements and general wear, the stage needs maintenance. The extent of work to be completed will depend on the amount of money raised by you. The Brucemore staff envisions improvements to the stage’s physical structure, backstage area, and electrical configuration. To complete the full scope of work, Brucemore needs to raise $20,000.

After the improvements are completed by the spring of 2015, Brucemore staff, Trustees, and volunteers will rededicate the performance area in memory of Peggy Boyle Whitworth – just in time for the 20th anniversary production of the Classics at Brucemore. While Peggy was passionate about many causes, outdoor theater at Brucemore was especially important to her.  With your help, we can honor her memory and celebrate her legacy.   

In the spirit of innovation, this 19th century homestead is turning to 21st century social media to make that happen.  In the month of July, you can participate in a grassroots crowdfunding campaign to celebrate outdoor theater and historic preservation. 

Learn more about how you can help.