Planned Giving

Planned giving is like building the foundation of a home. It comes together brick by brick, slowly over time.

Interested in discussing options for ensuring Brucemore’s legacy? Contact us.


How to Get Started

Funds for planned gifts do not typically come from discretionary income, meaning the donation does not impede or limit annual spending. Many planned gifts have several years between the decision to give and the actual gift, allowing you to adequately plan with staff how the funds will be used. Contact Brucemore today to talk about the programs and projects that are important to you and how your gift can ensure the future of this living landmark.

Many planned gift types require paperwork up front, but once established, will remain in place for years with little to no effort required by you. Your tax advisor, financial planner, lawyer, or retirement specialist can help you determine the best method of giving for you. The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation also has experts on staff who can assist you.

The Pride of Brucemore Legacy Society

Brucemore established the Pride of Brucemore Legacy Society to celebrate and honor those individuals who have made plans to support the organization in the future, whether through a legacy or endowed gift. All donors who have shared a commitment with Brucemore will be recognized.

Current Members

Kelly Bemus
Scot Brown and Julie Lammers
Bernie and Deb Burmeister
Marguerite Sinclair Carson Fourth Family Fund*^
Joseph and Kelly Costello Fourth Family Fund*
Betty Debban Opus 754 Skinner Player Pipe Organ Fund*
Beatrice Eberhart^
Barbara Green
Kathy Hall and Terry Pitts
John and Kay Hegarty Fourth Family Fund*

Kimberly Hillyard
Jean Hunnicutt^
Jim Kern and Dennis Konarski
Sondra and Dick Lamb
Roger^ and Thea Leslie Endowed Fund V*
James F. Plumb Jr. and Jewel M. Plumb Endowed Fund*^
Carolyn Shimek^
Patti Thacker^
Peggy Boyle Whitworth Friends Fund for Brucemore*
Peggy Boyle Whitworth Endowed Fund for Brucemore*^

*Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation
^ Deceased

If you have already included Brucemore in your estate plan, please contact us to be recognized.


Learn More

The Inspiration

The families of Brucemore are celebrated for their charitable giving, which included countless anonymous donations.

Margaret Douglas Hall and her husband Howard believed strongly in the power of philanthropy. Shortly after Howard’s death, Margaret began exploring options for the final disposition of her family estate in addition to endowment gifts to support the community. The couple did not have children and their philanthropic instincts led to a search for a charitable use of Brucemore, which had been her home since age ten. 

She bequeathed Brucemore to the National Trust for Historic Preservation in her will with the intention that the estate remain of “betterment to the community.” Per the agreement with the National Trust, Brucemore Inc., a private non-profit entity established local control of the preservation and operation of the estate through a co-stewardship agreement supported by endowment funds.

Howard Hall’s sister, Irene Perrine, and her husband Beahl, also hoped to secure Brucemore’s permanence. In the 1980s, encouraged by the early success of the Brucemore model for community engagement, the Perrine’s included Brucemore in their estate plans, which culminated in a second endowment for the site.

The Impact

As a result of the many donations given to Brucemore by community members, the site’s events and programs foster a vibrant local arts scene. People from across the United States report a greater appreciation for the culture, history, and arts in Cedar Rapids after their visit to Brucemore. Partnerships with other non-profit organizations, and opportunities for local artists, create unique events each year. Brucemore’s role as a community collaborator enlivens and engages Eastern Iowa residents and visitors.

The buildings and landscape tell their own story—of carpenters, contractors, painters, masons, gardeners, architects, and staff who created an oasis of calm in the heart of the city. These structures provide a critical anchor for educational programs, and a unique atmosphere for theater, art, and music. The physical resources provide a sense of place and remind Cedar Rapids of the beauty and value of keeping history and culture alive.

Brucemore is a gem that has been enjoyed and admired for generations. It is an irreplaceable asset for our community and a powerful reminder that our shared history belongs to everyone. It is now our turn to build a sustainable future for Brucemore, ensuring the legacy of this place for the next generation – a challenge we accept with Pride.

Stories of Support

James Kern, Executive Director of Brucemore from 2007-2011

Bearing witness to the on-going evolution of Brucemore reinforced my thoughts about stewardship and personal legacy. Margaret Hall’s gift of Brucemore to the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the community she loved was a visionary and bold legacy decision. It has inspired many, including me, to respond in kind by remembering Brucemore in my estate plans. Although the size of my estate gift will not compare to Mrs. Hall’s, it doesn’t matter. The essential truth is that all legacy gifts to Brucemore will demonstrate the importance of the site and the need for its stewardship in perpetuity. It is my fervent hope that many generations from now, children will continue to gaze in wonder at Brucemore and be inspired by its history and value to the community.