
Brucemore Awarded Historical Tax Credit

September 22nd, 2022
Brucemore Mansion

Brucemore was awarded $592,296 through the Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program by the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) in August to support derecho recovery efforts. The estate sustained $3 million of damage from the derecho windstorm that swept across the Midwest with 140-plus mile per hour winds on August 10, 2020. All seven of the historic structures, two operational buildings, hundreds of yards of fencing, multiple gates, and several historical features were damaged during the 60 minutes of violent sustained straight-line winds.

“The 2020 derecho caused the worst one-day loss of a cultural landscape in the history of the United States,” said CEO David Janssen. “With the support of the community, and local and state organizations, we have been working hard to recover. The Historical Preservation Tax Credit will allow us to make great strides in ensuring Brucemore remains a vibrant cultural hub for future generations.”

Progress has been evident throughout the estate since the days following the storm. Several notable projects will be completed in the fall of 2022 or spring of 2023, including:

  • The Lord & Burnham Greenhouse restoration is near completion. The glasshouse and nearby cold frames had been destroyed from a tree falling on the structure.
Lord and Burnham Greenhouse and cold frames August 2020.
Lord and Burnham Greenhouse and cold frames June 2022 (two years after the storm).
  • The mansion’s northeast-facing Breakfast Porch restoration and reframing is on track to be completed within this year’s construction season. This includes design improvements to help withstand the potential of damage in future storms.
  • The historic gates and lights at the Linden Drive entrance and First Avenue exit are undergoing conservation and are expected to be reinstalled this fall. The piers at First Avenue are also undergoing treatment to prevent water infiltration issues in the future.  
  • The mansion slate roof is scheduled to be replaced in the spring of 2023 with the roof crests that were removed as part of the Mansion Envelope Restoration Project reinstalled shortly thereafter.

As living landmark for Cedar Rapids dating back to the late 1880s, Brucemore has shared its history and estate with over a million visitors since 1981 when it became an independent non-profit. For more information on ways, you can support Brucemore’s mission to remain a cultural hub and continue to share the historic site for future generations, click here.

Brucemore Mansion and formal garden, 2022.

The Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program, administered by the Iowa Department of Economics in partnership with the State Historical Preservation Office, provides a state income tax credit to support projects to retain the character defining features of the building to enhance the surrounding communities. Learn more about the Historic Preservation Tax Credit.